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About Us


Arts and Culture


Climate & Environmental Health

Coalition of Western Massachusetts Hospitals Community Health Needs Assessments




Food Systems

Gender Equity

Health Equity

Health Impact Assessments

Mental Health

Municipal Reports

These reports provide demographic, COVID, and 413Cares data.

Opioid Overdose

Sexual Violence

Youth Health

DAta Resources


Check out our latest reports!

Behavioral Health Roadmap Brief.pngTaking Action to Support our Youths' Mental Health- Issue Brief (released November 2023 as part of the Youth Mental Health Roadmap for Western Massachusetts)

Youth Mental Health Regional Report (1).pngYouth Mental Health in Western Massachusetts (released September 2023 as part of CHNAs for Coalition of Western Massachusetts Hospitals/Insurer)

WF Cover.PNGGender Equity in Western Massachusetts: The Status of Women, Girls, Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Diverse Adults and Youth (released Sept 2023; prepared for the Women's Fund of Western Massachusetts)