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New Report! Healthy Aging with a Criminal Record in Hampden County MA

Check out our latest report, Healthy Aging With A Criminal Record in Hampden County MA: A health impact assessment about the use of Criminal Offender Registration Information (CORIs) in housing decisions.

In this report we explore how potential changes to housing policies and practices regarding criminal background checks might impact the health of residents, specifically older people with a CORI. 

This health impact assessment (HIA) was conducted in collaboration with an Advisory Committee made up of housing providers, organizations that represent community members with a criminal record who have been denied housing, legal advocates, law enforcement led-reentry organizations, and systems change advocates. 

The HIA was funded by Massachusetts Community Health & Healthy Aging Funds and the Tufts Health Plan Foundation.

We are grateful for your time in reading this important HIA!

Learn more about the HIA process.

Read the report.

Read the infographic.


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